• The Young Man And The Butterfly

    A young man is out walking in the woods. A movement nearby catches his attention. He looks over and, unsure of what he sees, moves closer. There he finds the cacoon of a butterfly. At the tip of the cacoon is a small opening. He watches as the transformed caterpillar inside struggles to crawl free.…

  • Brainstorm Into The Night

    It all started out innocently enough. We woke up casually around 10.. Or rather I woke up and my doing so forced the rest of the poor sleepers into an “early” existance. Matt rolled over in bed, gave me a somewhat strange stare that could have been interpreted as not-so-very-friendly, and then attempted to go…

  • Jonathan’s Hair Products

    Search engines are really something else.. I just checked my stats and I found that I’ve had 16 people visit my site looking for.. of all things.. “Jonathan Hair Products”. Last I checked I didn’t have any.. I DO have a lot of hair though ;). Among the other top referrers are.. “Anna Nalick”.. “Jonathan…

  • Visit from my brothers :)

    And so suddenly out of nowhere.. my little brothers show up! They live about 3 hours south of here and needed to return something to Costco. With mom just about pregnant and my stepdad staying with her, they needed an “adult” to go to Costco with them so they could get in. We got together,…

  • Back from Chicago!

    (Had some posting trouble so this wound up not showing till the next morning).. Been out and about like crazy for the past few days, starting with an event Matt, myself, and the gang attended on Thursday all the way to a trip to Navy Pier this afternoon. I’ve been learning a lot and had…