Ahh.. the sting of technology ; )
You may have noticed that there was no post yesterday.. well.. that’s ‘cuz there was no way for me to post ;). My server was down for about 18 hours due to some trouble with a bill I believed had been paid over a month ago and never cleared. Huge thanks to my buddy Jerett…
Ahh.. Beautiful Portland : )
Today is a picture day! Ted and I drove into Portland to meet with a friend of his and go over some marketing tactics. We had a great meeting, got some awesome food in a lovely little cafe, drove around for a bit, then headed home! We played some basketball in the park and both…
Just Filling In The Blanks
I accomplished quite a lot today. Most significantly for me was dealing with a few things I’d been putting off for awhile. There are some things that ya just really don’t want to do. Well, I took care of them and although it wasn’t easy its good to get it out of the way :).…
Building Your Virtual Empire
What exactly is a virtual empire? For some of us, it means nothing. Our virtual existance is confined to email, instant messaging, and the occasional blog comments. For others, your virtual existance is who you are.. its a way of life. For those, the concept of a virtual empire is an extremely important one. A…
Ready for the big day!
I’m heading off to bed early tonight and getting up even earlier tomorrow. Around 11 AM my time I’ll be participating in the Youthcove Brainstorm Session. I’m expecting about 10 other fellow entrepreneurs from all over the world to be there and we’re going to have a great time. Youthcove hasn’t had a brainstorm session…