• Partnerships in Portugal

    I found it particularly difficult giving a talk on a topic I’m passionate about in front of so many of my friends. I loved it, though, am happy with how it turned out and I loved the opportunity to be back at a WordCamp. If you’re interested in the topic of growing a product business…

  • On the Edge

    There’s a joy and satisfaction in knowing you did your best, even (and especially) when it’s right on the edge. It was Monday night at CloudFest in Germany. Jet lag was catching up with me and sleep was sounding pretty good. At an event like CloudFest with hundreds of speakers the organizing team works hard…

  • No More

    We had our final show on Sunday and a get together after that went into the evening. I got home after 1 AM and I felt it Monday morning. A day later, there’s still a sense of sadness, of loss, floating around me. A few minutes before we went on stage, I had a moment…

  • Showtime

    It’s quiet in the green room. Most of the cast is in places and the music is about to start. Evan, Emme, and I and have a bit of time before our scenes. Tonight is our fifth show. We opened on Friday, did two shows on Saturday, and another on Sunday. We’ve had a few…

  • Nerves

    Last Thursday, I got back from an overnight trip to Florida and made my way to rehearsal. I’d missed the previous few days and wasn’t where I wanted to be with my performances. No regrets – I’d done my best with all the time I had available – yet I knew I didn’t have it…