• Reflection

    I took a moment today to look back at videos of my kids over the years. Jaiden is 11, Jensyn is 8, and I’ve recorded fantastic moments all the back to infancy (though, admittedly, more of Jaiden then Jensyn). It was great and I sent a few around to friends and family. I showed up… Read More »

  • Beginning Again

    It’s been a fantastic week. We’re off to the races in my new role at Post Status and, between that and supporting clients and growing businesses, I’ve had multiple moments of wondering throughout the week, “How am I going to get it all done?” And when I do manage to get the most important things… Read More »

  • Post Status

    10 years ago, my wife and I, along with our year old son, pulled up to a building just outside of Oklahoma City. My new friend, Cory Miller, had invited us to stop by the iThemes office. As an entrepreneur falling in love with WordPress, I was impressed with what Cory and his team built… Read More »

  • Environment Design

    In my reading of Willpower Doesn’t Work, the concept of “environment design” stood out especially and prompted me to take a fresh look at my work / life environments. Environment design, for me, starts with the end in mind. What am I trying to accomplish? Where am I trying to go? What do I value?… Read More »

  • Seeking Discomfort

    I felt sick to my stomach. I’d been thinking about it throughout the weekend and now I had an hour to go. I was about as ready as I could be, with my head full of questions about what to expect and how it would go. I thought about backing out, they’d understand. Then I… Read More »