• Stressed out but moving on! :)

    *takes a deeep breath*.. i’m excited ‘cuz I’m getting to bed before 10 tonight! I haven’t done that since I arrived in Oregon! Today, Ted and I got a LOT of stuff done and for that I’m definitely happy. I’ve just got a lot of projects still calling for my attention and they just haven’t…

  • My trip to the Philippines – Part 1

    Now that I’m finally starting to get things lined up and my head on straight I’m putting some thought into my trip to the Philippines. Lets seee.. its 10:43 PM and I was planning to be in bed by 10:30.. shucks.. that’s not happening ;). Alright, I’ve got some good stories to tell so its…

  • Portland – Night on the town!

    Got quite a bit of work done tonight and then Ted and I went out to see the city of Portland by night. I grabbed a ton of photos and here are some of my favorites. Enjoy! I’m quite happy with how a lot of the shots turned out.. I can’t wait till I get…

  • Moving on through April

    Midnight strikes, and I’m still awake. Not long now, and I just might break. Its been another long day, And I’m still behind. I look up and smile, As I watch the clock wind. Another day down, Still so much to do. I smile out my window, Just gotta get through. Get through to tomorrow,…

  • Portland, Oregon.. my new home!

    Woww am I ever tired.. I’m moved in now and, though I’m still very very behind, things are calming down just a tiny bit! Portland, Oregon is absolutely beautiful.. I’m staying up here with my new good friend, Ted Schneck. He’s an internet marketer who makes a living through his online businesses and I’m really…