I’m back!
This is just a VERY quick post letting you guys all know that I’m back safely and quite sound. I’m in Oregon now, getting settled in. I’m WAY behind on a lot of stuff and one of the next big things for me is to write out the “story” of my trip to the Philippines.…
Message from the Philippines
Hey guys! Just signed on through an internet cafe here in the Philippines. Its amazing here! I’ve only got a few minutes so I’m just letting you guys know that I arrived safely after over 30 hours of travel. I’ve been working my butt off and BOY am I tired! Its been an incredible experience…
Goodbye USA! Cya Soon!
A few short minutes from now and my computer will be offline, packed in a suitcase full of clothes and other interesting items, and ready to go. I have no clue where all this stuff came from. Ok, maybe I do.. I had a little fun shopping today and picked up some new clothes ;)..…
My last full day
I’m packing up my computer tomorrow, so tonight will be my last full day online before I head off to the Philippines. Wow, I’m excited.. and uncertain.. I really don’t know what to expect! I imagine that its going to be a lot of hard work and I’ll finally get a chance to appreciate physical…
Goodnight World, good morning tomorrow
Making this super short tonight.. today was a very very long day. The affects of today won’t be known for months or even years to come. Thankyou all for your support. Thankyou God for always being there for me, even when I’ve forgotten you. You’re the best :). Goodnight world, tomorrow is one of my…