Still sick, and getting better!

Today I have been experiencing the incredible joys of a runny nose and a stuffy head.. yay for me! :P. It really is overrated and I’d skip and pass Go if I could.

Today was a slow day for me.. I took a shower around 4 PM and finally “started my day”.. I tell ya, I haven’t wanted to do ANYTHING all day long. But! With Amae only having a few days before she’s off for Bali, I’ve got lots of work to do!

So I’ve been working hard. After doing some research on CSS I finally got the site fixed and its now working beautifully on both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I also added in Amae’s gallery of hair which was QUITE a feat. She had over 40 pictures in there! I’ve built the entire thing in CSS so its taken a lot longer than I was expecting :P.

I had a good chat with Adam Gaynor again today! Going to be helping him setup a bulletin board for his fan club website over the next few days. I’m looking forward to putting that together, working with vBulletin has become second nature too me :).

Yes! So! Back to recapping the event!

Day 2 we had marketers up on stage sharing the importance of having a list! A guy named Ethan and his partner Steve shared a TON of awesome information with us. It went from there to writing headlines. Towards the end of the day, our homework was assigned. We were to come up with headlines that would get attention and convey our message. With Paulie’s help, I came up with a few for web accessability:

Angry Blind Guy Spends 10 hours a day online
..Says he’s “just looking around”

22.8 Million Americans want to see you succeed

Local Jersey man uses printer for 5 years without changing ink cartridges.
..Colleagues say they can’t see a thing!

US Law that you don’t have to follow, but you may want too..
..And 10 other ways to legally rip off the government.

Yeah.. we had a lot of fun ;). The greatest thing for me was all the incredible people I got too meet. There were people from just everywhere! From all sorts of professional backgrounds and locations! It was amazing!

Yes, and as Paulie mentioned, meeting Robin was very cool :). Watching him grow over the 3 days was absolutely amazing. From his first time up on stage to his last, it was SUCH a huge improvement.. He’s an amazing young man and I’m looking forward to meeting him again if/when I find myself up in the Portland, Oregon area.

..Well! I’m gonna call it a night and get some rest! I’ve got lots more stuff to share, including some gems from my notes.. so look forward to that!

Goodnight World! :)

-Jonathan Wold

Daily Action Step:

Drinking all that ‘dern tea so I can get better!


One response to “Still sick, and getting better!”

  1. I’m looking forward to the gems man! :)

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