Category: Uncategorized

  • I’m.. so.. tired..

    Actually.. I’m dog tired.. I can barely think :P. Matt and I have been working our butts off and WOW has it been a long week. Its been long, yet it seems to have only lasted a few days. We’ve got a LOT of stuff done. So.. I’m off for the weekend. Mom still hasn’t…

  • Goodbye June.. It Is Now July!

    Wow.. its July! I’ve made it too July! Woohoo! July 2005.. Who’da thought :). I’m pretty excited, Matt and I have been working our butt’s off on Paulie’s projects and on our own. Today Matt and I decided to take some serious steps and get started building mini sites and selling affiliate products. Within a…

  • Importance of Discipline

    How many times have you been excited about this or that, planned all about how you were going to make it happen, went through the first few steps and even got a few other people fired up about it, only to eventually “lose interest” and come up with a reason why it was now too…

  • The Little Post That Could

    I really should be fast asleep right about now.. But I’ve decided that this is a long overdue and much needed excersise in self discipline, and yet another motivator to get my sleeping patterns back on track. The past few days have been crazy.. no, make that the past few weeks :). Each and every…

  • Summer’s Movin’ Fast!

    Summer’s well underway and going strong! Today was another long day and wow did we sure get a lot done! Ok, so we didn’t get a WHOLE lot done, but by any of my old standards we sure did. Matt and I have been working hard on our latest projects together and we’ve been enjoying…