On The Road Again – Snowboarding In Tahoe!
Woww what a day! Happy New Year! I blinked and it’s already 3 days into 2006.. Time just keeps on flying by :). Just two nights ago found me back home from a 5 day trip down to Tennessee for the Seventh-Day Adventist General Youth Conference in Chattanooga. WOW what an awesome event! I met…
200th Post – Wrapping Up 2005
Wow has it ever been a year :). This 200th post seems special for some reason. Special enough that I’ve put it off and worked on 2 different drafts over the past few days, something which I never do. This will be last serious chance I have to write this year and there’s a lot…
Late Credit Card Bill – Yikes!
I’ve got 5 credit cards right now. I take good care of them and I make it a point to always be early on my bill payments. I’ve been building up credit on the cards, never carrying more than 60% of the card’s capacity, paying the bills 2 weeks in advance, and paying at least…
Three Huge Days In One! – Matt, James, and Joslyn!
I’ve had a LOT of stuff going on over in my life right now, one of the big things being that I’m in the process of finishing my move! I’m moving into a bigger apartment! I’ve taken a bunch of pictures and I’ll be putting those up soon, as well as updating you guys on…
Cash Advance Goodness and Niche Marketing
And today I’m proud to launch another mini-site of mine, mycashinfo.com. She’s still in her baby stages so look forward to watching her grow ;). For those of you visiting through the search engines and looking for information on Cash Advances, here are a few of the article topics and brief snippets. When To Use…