• On The Road Again – Snowboarding In Tahoe!

    Woww what a day! Happy New Year! I blinked and it’s already 3 days into 2006.. Time just keeps on flying by :). Just two nights ago found me back home from a 5 day trip down to Tennessee for the Seventh-Day Adventist General Youth Conference in Chattanooga. WOW what an awesome event! I met…

  • 200th Post – Wrapping Up 2005

    Wow has it ever been a year :). This 200th post seems special for some reason. Special enough that I’ve put it off and worked on 2 different drafts over the past few days, something which I never do. This will be last serious chance I have to write this year and there’s a lot…

  • Late Credit Card Bill – Yikes!

    I’ve got 5 credit cards right now. I take good care of them and I make it a point to always be early on my bill payments. I’ve been building up credit on the cards, never carrying more than 60% of the card’s capacity, paying the bills 2 weeks in advance, and paying at least…

  • Three Huge Days In One! – Matt, James, and Joslyn!

    I’ve had a LOT of stuff going on over in my life right now, one of the big things being that I’m in the process of finishing my move! I’m moving into a bigger apartment! I’ve taken a bunch of pictures and I’ll be putting those up soon, as well as updating you guys on…

  • Cash Advance Goodness and Niche Marketing

    And today I’m proud to launch another mini-site of mine, mycashinfo.com. She’s still in her baby stages so look forward to watching her grow ;). For those of you visiting through the search engines and looking for information on Cash Advances, here are a few of the article topics and brief snippets. When To Use…