• Canoeing in Oregon

    Today was so awesome.. I went to church and after being very blessed by the speaker and eating an awesome lunch, I went with a group of 16 church members to go Canoeing! It was SO much fun! I’m so glad they invited me :). I didn’t take a camera on the canoe ride itself…

  • Fast Weeks and Financial Freedom

    Ever have one of those weeks that just seems to drag on and on forever? I haven’t had many of those lately.. :P. It seems like only yesterday it was the weekend.. The week days just seem to fly by SO fast.. I wake up in the morning, fly through some of my stuff, work…

  • My Brother the Artist

    Isn’t that awesome? :). I had something all planned up to share with you guys and suddenly its 1 AM and I am exhauusted.. So instead, you guys get too see some of my little brother’s work tonight! He’s very talented and I’m very proud of him! If you’d ever like a portrait done or…

  • The Secrets to Win

    Who’s to say, what tomorrow may bring.. And who will dare say.. that they know everything. Tomorrow’s not here, Yesterday is gone, And if we’re not careful, Today could go wrong. Each day is a chance, You live or you die, And each day has a moment, Where all that you try.. Comes together through…

  • Attack of the Optical Illusion!

    Thanks to my buddy Matt for showing me this crazy thing ;). Alright, here’s how it goes! Wait for the image to load, and then.. stare into the center of the image for at least 2 minutes. Then, look carefully at the back of your hand :). This was too good to pass up so…