• Record Days and “Touch it Once”

    Today was a record day for Ted and I.. we broke every advertising revenue record set since my arrival and all of his past records. It was an exciting day and we went out for Pizza to celebrate! Behold! Take a wild guess.. Ted doesn’t like olives ; ). It was an awesome way to…

  • An Awesome Sunday!

    Today’s been an awesome day :). I’ve got a LOT of stuff done and I’m getting to bed on time.. absolutely amazing! ;). This morning we had the Youthcove Brainstorm Session. That went very well and a huge thanks again to all the participants. Thanks to my bro Matt for moderating :). Its not like…

  • Ready for tomorrow

    Just making this a super quick entry. Today was awesome, I was very blessed. Went to church this morning after a good night’s rest and had a great time. The best sermons are the ones that you feel are directed towards you, and I really felt that today. Came home and slept for a few…

  • Jonathan 2.0 (Beta)

    Today’s been a day of growth.. I’ve yet to see the long term results and I suspect I won’t for awhile, yet I feel that somehow something important changed today, that somehow I grew just a little bit older. Won’t bore you with the details :). The summary was that I got a nice reality…

  • Meeting Anna Nalick

    Today was a lot of fun ;). It started on a bit of a low.. My web hosting business was suddenly crippled by a server that’d gone offline. I didn’t get much sleep last night as a result and it wasn’t until this morning that things were finally cleared up. A HUGE thanks to my…