Environment Design
In my reading of Willpower Doesn’t Work, the concept of “environment design” stood out especially and prompted me to take a fresh look at my work / life environments. Environment design, for me, starts with the end in mind. What am I trying to accomplish? Where am I trying to go? What do I value?…
Seeking Discomfort
I felt sick to my stomach. I’d been thinking about it throughout the weekend and now I had an hour to go. I was about as ready as I could be, with my head full of questions about what to expect and how it would go. I thought about backing out, they’d understand. Then I…
High Performance Habits
I just finished a multi-year read-through of High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. It’s an excellent book and focuses on the concept of achieving high performance through the consistent practice of six key habits. The Six Habits The first habit is to seek clarity. The heart of the idea is to be clear on where…
Reading Collections
On a small white table beside my favorite reading chair I have five books. (Previously, I had thirty or so books there and decided that was too much). It was hard to pick those five! And it was easy. Hard because I have over a hundred unread books to choose from in my office. Easy…
Investing in Value
I got my start making “real money” at 19. I had discovered the world of arbitrage and applied it to the web, buying low-cost traffic through Google AdWords and directing it to sites displaying higher value ads via Google AdSense, then profiting on the difference. For a few months, I was rolling it in. It…