Category: Old Entries

Posts from my earlier years.

  • Crazy long day

    Yeah, its been one of those. I got a LOT done today! I finished a full blog integration for Amae and I even wrote a tutorial on it. Check it out at: Inspired by my good friend Jordan (check his blog at I decided to upload some of the music I’ve composed awhile…

  • Much Better!

    Today was, all and all, a very good day :). Didn’t get all that much done, but still it was good. I put a good amount of work into Amae’s painting and when she finally took a look she said it was looking very good! Still have a LOT of work to do but I’m…

  • Not the best day :)

    Today definitely wasn’t my best day.. and that’s alright. Didn’t catch much sleep last night and so I didn’t get started on my day till noon. I got start on Amae’s painting and I’ve been working on that all day long. Turns it I wasn’t quite following the direction she wanted, so I had to…

  • Another awesome day!

    Today was another complete success :). Josh and I both did even better than yesterday! Got nearly all of my list done and threw in a number of things I hadn’t planned for. I spent a few hours working on Amae’s site this morning and did very well. When I became stumped I went on…

  • Incredible day and incredible people

    Today has been absolutely incredible :). I got a late start last night, didn’t make it to bed until just after midnight.. and it looks like I’ll be getting to bed a bit late tonight as well, and that’s ok :). I got started at 6:30 this morning. Woke up, cold shower, worship, breakfast, and…