Wrapping Up The Week! – The Mold Blog
And WOW has it been an incredible week! Boy I’m worn out, but its a really good feeling! As soon as I’m done posting, I’m gonna head off, clean up my house a bit, and then its time to do some relaxing! Its been a really really good week :). I got more than half…
Dealing With Discouragment – Taking Action Steps
Sometimes it can be so easy to just look at the past few hours of a day and feel discouraged, like you haven’t accomplished anything. You feel discouraged and you forget to look back at the rest of the day. You forget to look back at the week! I fall into that more often than…
Pumpkin Carving – How to Carve a Pumpkin
I can’t imagine any reason someone would be interested in doing something so silly as to carve a pumpkin this time of yearr.. but for those of you who are, I just thought I’d share an awesome little guide to pumpkin carving goodness, courtesy of our friends at ehow.com. Ready for it? *grins*.. 1. Select…
Get Rid of Mold
Well there’s an interesting topic.. nothing like starting out the morning by writing about mold ;). Well, I like mold! I like mold because mold has become a strong source of income for me over the past couple of months. Its definitely not a niche for everyone, and that’s ok. As mold itself goes, I…
Pictures from the Red River Gorge!
And now! Pictures from my trip to Kentucky! Enjoy! :) .. Yup.. that’s me! *grins*.. Click on the pictures to see ’em a tad bit bigger! Alright.. Off for now I go! -Jonathan Wold