I really am doing a lot!
It’s a little past 1 AM and I realized that I hadn’t blogged.. in awhile. It puzzled me.. And as I finished brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, I loaded up my blog and realized that it’s been over 5 days since I’ve written! Now, I’m not about to apologize for not writing..…
Back from Phoenix!
Yup I’m back! I made it! I’m alliive! My legs were killing me for awhile there, which is a good indicator that I’ve spent WAY too much time on the computer and is a good hint that I need to start spending more time outside.. which I’ve begun doing ;). I got back from ‘The…
The Rich Jerk
“Congratulations! Apparently you do have a brain!” ..And so the $47 dollar eBook begins ;). I first read ‘The Rich Jerk‘ a little over 3 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been putting off writing a review ‘cuz of traveling and a bunch of other projects I’ve been working on. No longer! This rather obnoxious, but…
Getting Ready To Leave
In just 2 days I’ll be heading off for the Internet Marketing Main Event in Phoenix, AZ! I’m looking forward to that :). This weekend has been QUITE a weekend! We had a Youthcove Team Meeting on Sunday and, thanks to all the awesome people who showed up, it went very well. I saw firsthand,…
Subway, Adagio in G Minor, CSS, and Entities!
Yeah, I really outdo myself with those titles sometimes! ;). Well guys, today was really an incredible day. It was well rounded and balanced. I learned a lot, got quite a lot done, had fun, spent time with friends, and made some powerful decisions! First off, we’ll jump to right about lunch time. I’d been…