• Incredible day and incredible people

    Today has been absolutely incredible :). I got a late start last night, didn’t make it to bed until just after midnight.. and it looks like I’ll be getting to bed a bit late tonight as well, and that’s ok :). I got started at 6:30 this morning. Woke up, cold shower, worship, breakfast, and…

  • Beginning with a new intensity

    Not sure how tomorrow is going to go yet, but I have a really good feeling about it. Its going to take a lot.. and I’m going to be tired tomorrow as I’m not letting my late start to bed stop me from rising early. I have a lot to do tomorrow and I’m going…

  • Back on Schedule!

    AHH.. its 10:33 and I AM going to make it to bed within the next few minutes :D!.. Yay for me! Today was a very mixed day.. I got a lot of stuff done on Amae’s website, so that’s going very well. I still have a big list of things to do left over from…

  • Day of Rest

    Nothing really big to talk about today :). ‘Twas a day of rest for me. Got up around 8:30, took a shower, got ready and Amae took me to church. I missed breakfast, which was kind of a bummer, but ‘sall good! Had lunch at church, was very blessed by the sermon, and made my…

  • Purging my music library of illegal songs!

    Illegal music? What illegal music? Who me? Yeah, I confess.. I don’t need to go into details about how much music I had, but I had more than enough. It was QUITE a struggle for me, but in the end I came through. So you’re probably wondering why? Well.. a couple of reasons.. First of…