Incredible day and incredible people
Today has been absolutely incredible :). I got a late start last night, didn’t make it to bed until just after midnight.. and it looks like I’ll be getting to bed a bit late tonight as well, and that’s ok :). I got started at 6:30 this morning. Woke up, cold shower, worship, breakfast, and…
Beginning with a new intensity
Not sure how tomorrow is going to go yet, but I have a really good feeling about it. Its going to take a lot.. and I’m going to be tired tomorrow as I’m not letting my late start to bed stop me from rising early. I have a lot to do tomorrow and I’m going…
Back on Schedule!
AHH.. its 10:33 and I AM going to make it to bed within the next few minutes :D!.. Yay for me! Today was a very mixed day.. I got a lot of stuff done on Amae’s website, so that’s going very well. I still have a big list of things to do left over from…
Day of Rest
Nothing really big to talk about today :). ‘Twas a day of rest for me. Got up around 8:30, took a shower, got ready and Amae took me to church. I missed breakfast, which was kind of a bummer, but ‘sall good! Had lunch at church, was very blessed by the sermon, and made my…
Purging my music library of illegal songs!
Illegal music? What illegal music? Who me? Yeah, I confess.. I don’t need to go into details about how much music I had, but I had more than enough. It was QUITE a struggle for me, but in the end I came through. So you’re probably wondering why? Well.. a couple of reasons.. First of…