Why aren’t you in college?
Alright, so I’m a straight A student.. only had 2 B’s my entire life, and I asked for them ‘cuz I felt I didn’t deserve an A. When I started Junior College I was at the very top of all my classes and I loved it. The college environment was awesome, even at just 17…
Side effects of sleeping in
So its 2 in the morning, and I’m still awake. In the backround, some classical music hums quietly through my speakers. A dull glow illuminates Los Angeles.. hmm.. What brings a homeschooler to Los Angeles? Homeschooler? Yeah.. that’s me. Just another sheltered homeschooler ;). I’ve talked with many many people about homeschooling. They are interested…
Strange few days
Had quite a headache last night and I ended up falling asleep around 8, before I had a chance to post. That headache stuck with me all through today and I didn’t get much of ANYTHING done. Doing better though.. I expect to be up and running again tomorrow :). Perhaps one day I’ll tell…
8 hours of CSS
My eyes hurt.. I’ve decided that, no matter what, I’m going to go play basketball tomorrow. The fresh air and excersise will do me a LOT of good. I’ve been able to do a lot of awesome stuff on the computer these past few days, but uhh.. gotta make sure I’m taking good care of…
Wake up and sore eyes
First of all.. today was a business wake up call. Second.. I have very sore eyes ‘cuz its past midnight and I was supposed to be in bed a LONG time ago. Things just didn’t quite work out for me.. I began the day on fire. Got a BUNCH of stuff done in the early…