Category: Life Experiences

Personal posts ’bout my life :)

  • Back from the D.R.

    I took a look at my visitor stats this morning and was surprised that a rather high number of people still regularly visit this neglected little blog. Well, seemingly neglected.. *smiles*.. It’s been on the back of my mind for the past several weeks and, slowly but surely, I’ve been working on it behind the…

  • Life Experiences of 2006 and My Conversion

    Quite a few months have passed since my last blog update! : ) – After consciously delaying updates for the first few months, the habit of “wanting to update” finally fell asleep and life went on. But today, that’s changed. Much has happened since May of 2006.. very much! I’m writing this afternoon from a…

  • I’m alive!

    Hey everyone! Thanks for all the emails and for checking up on me over the past few months! I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long without a blog update! I’ve had a LOT happen over the past two months and in this little update I’m not quite ready to go into all that ;).…

  • Life’s sudden changes

    Boy, life has a way of throwing some surprises every now and then :). In the past week, my life has changed in a very very dramatic way. I’ll fill you guys in on it soon! In the meantime, all the projects that I’ve been working on have been put on hold. Everything’s paused :).…

  • Preparing For My Next Launch

    In addition to all of the other crazy things I’ve got going on right now, I’m slowly working out the details on my next product launch. I’ve been putting a lot of hard work into planning and preparing for this one and it’s going to be really really good :). This will definitely be the…