Category: Uncategorized

  • Monsterous Day – Testing Time Management

    Today was monsterous.. I got a LOT done. Its 9:45 and I am feeling soo worn out. I tested a new time management system today to meet a challenge I’ve been having. I’ve been struggling with good ‘ole MSN Messenger.. That struggle being that I really like talking to people! I enjoy spending time with…

  • Going Into Debt

    The niche.. that is ;). Today I’ve put a bunch of hard work into launching the newest site in my digital empire, a blog about debt. Check it out at! A couple of things to note about this niche is that its VERY very competitive. I didn’t really even realize how competitive it was…

  • Another Day in Internet Marketing – InfoGoRound

    And what a day! :).. My younger brother, Josiah, came up yesterday afternoon to spend a couple of days here with me. Today we took him over to the dentist and they did some great work on his teeth! He’s a happy camper! ;) Josiah and I have been hard at work building niche websites…

  • Tweety

    Or Tweety Bird, as some prefer! My good friend Mandy Fintel has been working on an awesome site for those who love and want to know more about that cute little yellow bird, Tweety! You can learn about the history of Tweety and find all sorts of fun stuff hidden around the site! And if…

  • Continuity Programs and Membership Websites!

    Well now there’s a mouthful! ;).. Continuity Programs and Membership Sites revolve around the same idea, you pay a certain amount on a consistent basis (usually monthly) and in exchange, you get access to a service. I’ve become fascinated with them lately! Starting with recommendations from my new friend Bo Bang’s site, I’ve signed up…