Category: Uncategorized

  • Happy Anniversary!

    Just a few minutes before I head off to bed, I wanted to do a tiny bit of writing :). Today is, ready for it? The 29th month anniversary of my dear girlfriend and I. We’ve been together for 29 months! She’s meant soo much to me over the years and helped me through so…

  • I feel like blogging!

    Yes I do! It’s just past 5 PM and today is winding down slowly. I haven’t decided how I’m going to finish off the night yet.. but there’s still time ;). I’m going between doing some cleaning, working on building a new template for a series of niche sites I’m launching, or spending time on…

  • Wrapping up the week!

    Wow has it been a week! My younger brother Josiah has been visiting since last Wednesday and we’ve had an awesome time together! I’ve been teaching him niche marketing and he’s been helping me build content sites. Today we worked together on the launch of the latest niche site.. which you can read about in…

  • Sump Pumps Information

    Update: For those still arriving to this page in 2007 and on, the site below is no longer owned by yours truly. It, along with a number of other sites in my old “empire”, were passed along. To see a more recent example of a niche project of mine, give the following link a click…

  • Burning the Midnight Oil

    I suppose its actually a good deal PAST midnight now.. oh well, time flies! ;) Wow.. am I ever tired! Today’s been a lonnng day.. and a good one! I’m going through some interesting challenges right now.. the year is rapidly winding to an end and I’m starting to finally put some real thought into…