• Random Acts of Kindness

    Random Acts of Kindness 1. Pay for the meal of the person behind you when when ordering at a drive through. 2. Open the phone book, pick a name, and send them something (movie tickets, thank you card, you are appreciated card, book, etc.) anonymously 3. Order someone a dessert anonymously at a restaurant and…

  • The boy who couldn’t say no

    So the tale goes that not long ago, There lived a boy, who couldn’t say no. You’d ask him for money, And his wallet was yours. You’d ask him to help you, And he’d do all your chores. You’d ask him the answer, to the meaning of life. And he’d sit up thinking, all day…

  • Beverly Hills and Chiropractors

    Went out and ran some errands with Amae today. We picked up a bunch of groceries at Trader Joe’s and found out that they didn’t carry her organic almond butter anymore! She loves the stuff and I don’t blame her, its reallly good.. so we drove all the way to another Trader Joe’s and picked…

  • Amino acids reduce muscle soreness!

    That’s right! ‘Bout 2 weeks ago I went and had a really nice game of basketball, 3 hours long, followed by a good 4-5 days of pain and near immobility. I played realllly hard and it didn’t help that I hadn’t done so in quite awhile ;). And so! Amae recommended that next time I…

  • Being able to say no

    I’d make a lousy boss. Well, I’d at least make a lousy “tough” boss. I don’t like firing people, I don’t like turning people away, I don’t like saying no.. and sometimes you just have to. Today was a very long and, at times, a very frustrating day. I spent about 5 hours this morning…