• Meeting in Hangtown

    Today has been a great day :). I was up and at ’em bright and early this morning.. well, 7 AM to be exact. Brian’s younger brother (I’m staying with the Carlton family right now) went skiing today and Brian and I got to take him to the ‘meeting point’ where some friends of his… Read More »

  • A long day

    Today was quite a day for me. I went to church this morning with my good friend Brian and was very richly blessed. We went through about 9 or so songs before the ‘service’ and it was awesome.. Everyone was singing their best and with their grandmother playing the Piano it sounded absolutely incredible. It… Read More »

  • Birthdays and SNOW

    My youngest brother turned 14 day.. wow! I went to see him and my mom up in the foothills and wowww has he grown.. It was great seeing them again. Ok.. I wear a size 11 1/2 shoe.. and my 14 year old brother is already in size 13’s.. Yeah, its pretty scary.. At 6’1,… Read More »

  • Storms

    I talked about today’s storm over at Startup Blog earlier today and given that its such an awesome topic, I’m gonna talk about it again! Storms have always held a strong fascination with me. My first ‘complete’ poem was about a storm. Ever since I was a young one, something about storms have always drawn… Read More »

  • First Entry

    I’ve been keeping a journal for a good half a year now and I’m finally moving it over into a Blog ;). This Journal will be up on my new website at www.jonathanwold.com. Anyway, to kick it off I’m going to write about today! Here are some of the highlights of my day: Sent out… Read More »