• Taking things seriously

    I’ve been doing an incredible amount of thinking, praying, and reading today.. I have these really REALLY strong feelings going around inside me and I haven’t quite figured them out yet. I feel that if time goes on, everything will start falling into place.. that could be within a few months, or maybe a few… Read More »

  • Converting to MSN?

    Oh horror of horrors.. how can it be? A devout google fan for nigh on 2 years now and I’m starting to lean towards MSN’s new beta search and the new desktop search? This is incredible! I’m not about to become a ‘Microsoft’ only convert.. what’s got me going right now is results. Other than… Read More »

  • First day in LA

    And now the end of my first day in LA! Its been a long one and a great one! I slept in till a whopping 10 AM this morning, so much for up at 5 ;). My girlfriend called me around 6 or so and we talked for awhile before she headed off for the… Read More »

  • Arrival in LA

    I’m writing after only 4 or so sketchy hours of sleep, so I’m exhausted.. Completely exhausted. I was up at 3:30 AM this morning, took a shower, got ready, and Brian and I were off to the airport. We took his grandmother with us, who had a flight at 6 AM. Mine wasn’t till 11:10.… Read More »

  • Singing in the rain

    Today was very interesting ;). Being my last day, we decided that we were gonna do some crazy things.. Well, ‘we’ being my friend Jessi and I. So, we got a bunch of our friends together at the local starbucks sharply at 1 PM and thus began the craziness. It started with only 4 of… Read More »