• Basketball on the Beach

    Ya know what? Today has been a very good day :). I started this morning.. confused.. a bit disillusioned about what to do out of the mass of projects I had waiting for me.. and unsure of most everything. So.. I prayed about it. Took time away from everything and just read and prayed for…

  • Blank Stare

    uhh.. I’m supposed to be writing my journal now.. Its 11:41 and I just got off the phone with my girlfriend.. she said I have to write in my journal now, soo.. I’m writing in my journal.. *rubs eyes*.. *wakes up a bit*.. She’s awesome :). I’m a very very fortunate young man.. its not…

  • Web Designer Extraordinaire

    Or at least a web designer that has a lot of fun! I tell ya.. this web design stuff sure can be FRUSTRATING. I’ve spent nearly ALLL day in Web Design mode and now, I don’t want to stop! There you can see some work I did for Renee Airya, a young lady I had…

  • Taking things seriously

    I’ve been doing an incredible amount of thinking, praying, and reading today.. I have these really REALLY strong feelings going around inside me and I haven’t quite figured them out yet. I feel that if time goes on, everything will start falling into place.. that could be within a few months, or maybe a few…

  • Converting to MSN?

    Oh horror of horrors.. how can it be? A devout google fan for nigh on 2 years now and I’m starting to lean towards MSN’s new beta search and the new desktop search? This is incredible! I’m not about to become a ‘Microsoft’ only convert.. what’s got me going right now is results. Other than…